A reminder that tomorrow, March 13th is a professional development day for staff. There is no school for students. I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, March 14th.
March 10, 2023: Due to the anticipated timing of inclement weather, all Jefferson County Schools and Offices will be closed today. Students will return on Tuesday, March 14, following Monday's staff development day. Thank you.
Join us tomorrow evening at 6:00 PM for our Shipley Education Association (SEA) Meeting via Zoom! See you there!
A representative from the American Heart Association was onsite at CWS today to accept our contributions to the American Heart Association! Thanks to all our Lego Fair participants and those who contributed!
Menu Change: We are switching March 8 and 9 lunches. On March 8th we'll be serving Chili on the 9th and Corn dogs on the 8th!
All of us at C.W. Shipley Elementary School work hard to support our students and their families. It's important to us that we know how you feel and what you need, so we invite you to take the WV Learning Environment Survey! Just visit our website at https://www.jcswv.org/cwsessurvey and follow the instructions. Thank you for partnering with us!
Congratulations to our own Janet Harner! Janet received West Virginia's first-ever West Virginia Executive Secretary of the Year Award, which was also named in her honor! We are all excited to see this well-deserved recognition for Janet's decades of dedicated service. You can read more about the award and the impact of Janet's career here https://www.jcswv.org/article/1026064.
Celebrating Read Across America Day!
March Menu!
Lot's of excitement coming up in March! Here's our March Madness calendar! Remember Thursday March 16th is Spring Picture Day!
Updated menu for next week! Happy Friday!
C.W. Shipley Elementary School celebrated the life of former student Logan Kenney during the first-ever Logan’s Lego Fair today. Their community raised more than $1,500 for the American Heart Association in memory of Logan, who passed away last year due to a heart condition. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped honor Logan's memory!✨❤️
A friendly reminder tomorrow, February 17th is a two hour early release for students! Dismissal begins at 1:40 PM!
2/16/23: Today our staff responded to a threat allegedly made by one of our students. We contacted law enforcement, who immediately launched an investigation. Authorities identified the individuals involved and confirmed there is NO DANGER to students or staff. We will continue to follow our discipline policy to address the situation while collaborating with law enforcement to maintain the safety of our students and staff. Thank you for your support.
Mrs. Breeden's class got a nice visit from SAM labs to help get them started with some coding and STEAM activities!
CWS Families,
We had an oversight in communicating the lunch menu changes earlier this week. Today for lunch students had chicken tenders, waffle fries, a roll, veggie tray with ranch, sidekick, fruit, and milk. We apologize for this oversight. Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Have a great weekend.
SEA Meeting this evening at 6:00! We look forward to seeing you there!
Zoom Link: http://bit.ly/zoomsea
We'd like to extend a huge congratulations to our 4th and 5th grade Math Field Day teams. Both teams participated in the Math Field Day competition today at Driswood Elementary and finished in third place! Congratulations to our participants and Mr. Gilbertson on a great day and we thank them for all of their hard work and preparation for this event! Awesome job!
Jefferson County Schools is excited to partner with the Nurtured Heart Approach to provide a Spring Family Strengthening Series. Please view flyer for more information. A registration link will be shared in this week's admin newsletter for anyone family interested.
Mrs. Butcher's class had a great multi-cultural tasting tea event his afternoon! Students had an opportunity to try food from different parts of the world!