Breakfast and Lunch Menus for November!
Turning back the clock: Don't forget 70's day tomorrow! Look forward to celebrating our 50th year on the 50th day of school!
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of safeguarding online activity from harmful cyber attacks. Each Friday this month, we'll share tips to help our students, staff, and families secure their sensitive data and stay safe online. Tip #4: Never leave your devices unattended, even for a short time. Always secure your laptop, tablet, phone, or flash drive so no one else can use it while you're away. And while you're at it, tidy up your desk to ensure no passwords, account details, or important files are sitting out openly exposed. You'll leave with peace of mind AND a clean workspace! We hope you've found these tips helpful. To learn more about Cybersecurity Awareness Month, visit
Don't forget to wear your fall colors tomorrow as we host Fall Celebrations at CWS!
We had a special visit from Marshal Tyree yesterday morning to present Maeve Baldwin and Moon Ho with their awards for being recognized at the state level for their fire safety posters. Congratulations again to Maeve and Moon!
Students: Don't forget to wear your red tomorrow as we continue to celebrate Red Ribbon Week!
Menu Change: Tomorrow's breakfast and lunch will be served on Thursday, October 27th. We will serve Thursday's breakfast and lunch tomorrow, October 26th. Menus can be viewed on the JCS website:
Bus Alert: Bus 20-04 is running a few minutes late this afternoon. Thank you for your patience and have a great weekend.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of safeguarding online activity from harmful cyber attacks. Each Friday this month, we'll share tips to help our students, staff, and families secure their sensitive data and stay safe online. Tip #3: Disable Bluetooth when you're not using it. Devices can be hacked via Bluetooth, placing sensitive information at risk for theft. If you have no reason to have Bluetooth on, consider temporarily turning it off. Visit to learn more about Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
Our Fourth Grade Students had a nice virtual field trip to the Everglades this afternoon!
Reminder: Fall picture make-ups are tomorrow, October 20th!
A huge shout out to our 5th grade Student Council officer candidates! They each did an awesome job with their speeches this afternoon!
National School Bus Safety Week is underway! Thank you to the bus drivers, mechanics, and all the behind the scenes administrators that get our students to and from school safely every day.
We had an awesome visit from our friends at Friendship Fire Company in Harpers Ferry today at CWS!
We are celebrating our school leaders this month! Principals are among the hardest working, yet often least recognized individuals in education. Principals set the academic tone for their schools, and it is their vision, dedication, and determination that provide the mobilizing force for achieving student success. We are so grateful for our principals who step up every day for our students and staff.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of safeguarding online activity from harmful cyber attacks. Each Friday this month, we'll share tips to help our students, staff, and families secure their sensitive data and stay safe online. Tip #2: Don't click suspicious links. Sometimes you may get what seems like an email from a friend. But is your friend really the one sending the message? Always review the sender's email before replying to a message or clicking a link. Malicious files can extract personal data, monitor and transmit your activities, and even take over your device. Avoid suspicious or unnecessary downloads and scan documents with anti-virus software before opening. If you're still uncertain about a link, visit to check its safety. Visit to learn more about Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
Don't forget to join us at 6:00 PM for an SEA Meeting:
Shipley Families,
We are continuing our work to ensure a safe environment for all during our Fire Prevention activities this week. On Friday, Oct. 14, fire trucks will visit our campus to engage students in a fire drill and other demonstrations. We want to make you aware of that activity so you realize that there is not an emergency if you see or hear sirens and students outside of our school. Thanks for all you do to make CW Shipley a safe place for students to learn and grow.
Dr. Kursey
JCS utilizes Nutrislice as our menu partner to communicate daily menus providing nutritional information for each item and meal - it can even sort by allergens! Visit for daily menus from each school, or download the JCSWV app, available through Google Play and the App Store.
Menu Change:
Breakfast for 10/12/22:
Apple Strudel